AED 3450


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Emergency portable ventilators are designed for use in various settings, particularly in emergency situations or during transportation. Here are some scenarios and settings where emergency portable ventilators might be used:

Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Portable ventilators are often used during the transportation of critically ill or injured patients in ambulances.

Field Hospitals: In emergency situations such as natural disasters, where traditional medical facilities might not be readily available, portable ventilators can be deployed in field hospitals to provide respiratory support.

Military Operations: Portable ventilators are used in military settings, both in the field and during medical evacuations.

Home Healthcare: In certain cases, where a patient requires long-term ventilatory support, portable ventilators can be used in a home healthcare setting.

Remote or Rural Areas: In locations where access to medical facilities is limited, portable ventilators can be valuable for providing initial respiratory support before a patient reaches a hospital.

The key features of portable ventilators include their compact size, lightweight design, and often battery-operated capability, making them suitable for use in various environments and emergency situations. They play a crucial role in ensuring that patients receive necessary respiratory support during critical moments.


- Model: FEV1002 Emergency Ventilator

1. 100% Oxygen Gas powered, Electronically controlled ventilator.
2. Durable and Lightweight with 2 D size batteries. <than 1Kg.
3. Patient type: Bodyweight greater than 20 kg.
4. Streamlined design on the back of the case, easy to hold
5. IPX4 waterproof, Protecting from splashing water


Simple Operation Interface for Caregivers:


1. Trigger sensitivity at less than - 2cmH2O to assist spontaneous breathing.
2. Independent setting ofinspiratory time, tidal volume and BPM control.
3. Pre-set visual and audio alarm.
4. “CPR only” Special mode design



1- Tidal volume control
2- BPM Display
3- Airway pressure display
4- Oxygen inlet
5- Patient circuit connection
6- Anti-asphyxia valve
7- BPM control (increase)
8- BPM control (decrease)
9- Inspiratory time (1 second) control
10- Inspiratory time (2 seconds) control
11- Spontaneous breathing indicator
12- Low battery alarm
13- Low source gas alarm
14- High airway pressure alarm
15- Breath delivery alarm
16- CPR only mode
17- Power ON/OFF switch