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AED 72000

Professional Cry ultrasound unit based on the synergy between two therapeutic techniques of Cryo Therapy and Ultrasound. short time cooling process, working frequency 1 MHZ. Cryo therapy adjustable up to -9.9 Deg. C. Power density adjustable from 0.1 to 3.0 W /cmq, Delivery time adjustable up to 6o in steps of 1. Made in Italy.

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The synergy of the two therapeutic techniques eliminates the contraindication of the ultrasound in acute and sub-acute traumas and in acute and sub-acute inflammatory states. The head of the cooled ultrasound, placed in correspondence of the lesion to be treated, causes an initial dermal vasoconstriction followed by a strong vasodilation, while in depth a circulatory decrease (hemostasis process) occurs.

The decrease in temperature in the deep tissue also creates an increase in the density of the fabric itself, with an increase in the mechanical effect of ultrasound and with a completely canceled thermal effect. In the lesions and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system of the musculoskeletal system, the healing process is accelerated, with a faster recovery of the movement due to the rupture of the pain-inactivity spasm cycle.
Therefore this technique is particularly indicated in sports rehabilitation, where the rapid recovery of an injured athlete is made possible because the USF1 allows to treat immediately both a recent trauma and an acute and subacute inflammatory state.