AED 3800

Carescape V100 Vital Signs Monitor, Dinamap  GE Healthcare 

The CARESCAPE™ V100 monitor is designed for care areas where patients require vital signs measurements. The CARESCAPE V100  monitor is the ideal “2 in 1” device. Its ease of mobility and versatility mean that it can either be used for continuous monitoring or for routine checks of vital signs, without needing to take up valuable clinician time. In this way, it considerably increases overall productivity. The monitor’s ruggedness, with  up to 11 hours of battery life, gives you the reliability and mobility you need to monitor patients throughout the unit.

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Vital signs monitor The CARESCAPE* V100 monitor is designed for care areas where patients require vital signs measurements. It can go with you from one patient to the next, and because of its speed, accuracy and connectivity, the CARESCAPE V100 monitor collects the right information at the point of care to help you make fast, quality care decisions. Features •Canbeusedforspot-checkingorforcontinuousmonitoring,providing you the flexibility of two devices in one •Designedforadultandpediatricuse,aswellasneonatalpatientswith very low perfusion rates •Includesthesameadvancedparametersandalgorithmsasotherhigher acuity GE monitors, helping ensure measurement consistency across all care areas •Non-invasivebloodpressuremeasurementusesGE’sexceptionalDINAMAP* technology •ThreechoicesforpulseoximetryincludeGEOhmedaTruSignal*; NellcorOxiMax**orMasimoSET** •ThreeoptionsfortemperatureincludeExergen**TemporalScanner**, Alaris**TurboTemp**andAlarisTri-Site •Allowsforinflationsetpoints,soyoucanbesensitivetopatients’special circumstances and ensure their comfort •Largedisplaymakesiteasytoreadevenfromadistance •Storesupto40measurementsforupto24hourswiththecapabilityto print strips •Designedforeasyserviceabilitywitharemovablepanelforeasyaccessandsimplefield-replacementkits•Typicalbatterylifeofupto11hoursbeforerequiringrecharge. If the battery is discharged, it maintains the data. •Connectuptothreeadditionalaccessoriessimultaneously withtheDINAMAPSerialHub,viathemonitor’sHostComm (sold separately)